Coupons and Freebies

Why let free stuff go to waste, or spend more then you have to? This page list places that you can go for freebies and coupons.  Enjoy!

Best Sites for food coupons:

  • - This site is one of the best if your looking for coupons of places to eat, because not only does it list locally owned places that list coupons, but a lot of national chains list coupons to.  Often there are coupons for 50% off! Also has Apple and Android mobile app!
  • Great site that has many coupon codes, or links to coupons.  Practically has coupons for everything.  Definitely a great place to check.  Also has great working mobile apps.
  •  Awesome site for huge discounts.  List local and national food places.  Often you get a lot of freebies when you buy from them.
  • Pretty well managed site, offers coupons to almost all fast food places. Great place to check out.  
  • Fast Food's website- If the place is offering and coupons or promotions, there website is the best place to find it.  Check down below for individual Fast Food place coupons.  
  • Fast Food's email and mobile- Almost all fast food corporation's nowadays have an email and mobile list.  This is where you sign up for email and text alerts often giving you the in scoop detail of what's happening and plenty of coupons and freebies!

  • For Utah Residents - - Local Businesses list and offer many coupons that are available to you!  Great savings!


- Free 
Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity- email club.
Just join there "Pancake Revolution" , and you will receive THREE free fruity tooty Fresh 'N Fruity.  This is like a 24 dollar value!

  1. Right away (just for signing up)
  2. On your birthday
  3. On your 1-year anniversary of joining

Free stack of buttermilk pancakes.
IHOP National Pancake Day - February 5, 2013
So the deal is that there trying to raise money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and on National Pancake Day, they will give you a free stack of Buttermilk Pancakes, and in exchange they hope that you will donate toward those Hospital's.  You don't HAVE to, but as your walking out you would probably feel like a heartless monster if you didn't donate. 


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